Million Dollar Charlotte Home Sellers / Buyers…It’s your turn!
You know what's hot? ...Charlotte real estate. Know what's even hotter? Million Dollar Properties! (but let's settle down hair pulling is never appropriate) From the National Association of...
View ArticleThe Charlotte Real Estate Market is Heating up….
OK that's not pretty....but the Charlotte Real Estate Market sure is and it is heating up...Home for sale inventory in many neighborhoods is close to all time lows. For the first time in a long time...
View ArticleGoldilocks Approved Outdoor Living at 8920 Heydon Hall Circle is Just Right!
Outdoor living for those who'd rather LIVE than work in their yard! | 8920 Heydon Hall Circle The back yard of this Heydon Hall home is what we call Goldilocks approved ...not too big, not too...
View ArticleWater(Front) and Center and Side and Back…
If you wanted to live closer to the Lake Norman waterfront it'd have to be on a houseboat! With over 520 miles of shoreline there are a lot of waterfront homes on Lake Norman but only a handful like...
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